NestJS vs Express - Which Web Development Framework is Better for API Development?

January 20, 2022

NestJS vs Express - Which Web Development Framework is Better for API Development?

As web development evolves, new tools and frameworks are introduced to make developers' jobs easier. Today, building scalable server-side applications requires the use of a web development framework. Two of the most popular frameworks for building APIs are NestJS and Express. In this blog post, we will compare the two frameworks to determine which one is better for API development.

A Brief Overview


NestJS is a TypeScript-based web framework that was created to facilitate building server-side applications by providing developers with a unique architecture and design patterns. It provides a robust set of features for building APIs using modern technologies like Angular, TypeScript, and Object-Oriented Programming.


Express is a lightweight, unopinionated web framework that was created to provide a simple API for building web applications. Express has been around for over a decade and is still widely used by developers today.


Performance is a crucial aspect of API development. Therefore, it is essential to compare the performance of both frameworks to decide which one is better.

While NestJS is built on top of Express, it has a modular structure that enables smoother interfacing between different layers of the application. The NestJS framework is optimized for performance and provides developers with the ability to build highly scalable applications with minimal performance overhead.

On the other hand, Express's major selling points are its simplicity and speed. It is designed to be lightweight and simple, which makes it an excellent choice for small-scale applications, but it might not be suitable for building larger applications that might require more scalable configurations.

Developer Experience

Developers' experience when working with these frameworks is essential to their productivity and efficiency.

NestJS provides built-in tools for debugging, testing, and modular project structure. The framework also supports dependency injection, which makes it easy for developers to inject dependencies into their code without worrying about the implementation details.

On the other hand, Express is known to have a low learning curve and provides a minimalistic approach to building web applications. Express provides a wide range of middleware that makes it easy for developers to add custom functionality to their application quickly.

Community and Support

The community behind a framework determines its rate of growth, adoption, and the number of available resources for developers.

Express is a well-established framework with a large community of developers, making it easy for developers to find resources, libraries, and plugins. On the other hand, NestJS is relatively new but is gaining popularity among developers. Despite being relatively new, NestJS has a thriving community that provides excellent support, tutorials, and external packages.


It is essential to choose a web framework suitable for your application's size, complexity, and performance requirements. While both NestJS and Express are solid choices for API development, it ultimately comes down to which one best meets your needs.

If you are looking to build a small-scale application that requires minimal configuration and high-speed, Express is an excellent choice. However, suppose you are building a more complex application that requires scalability, modular project structure, and dependency injection. In that case, NestJS may be the better option for you.

Finally, remember that choosing a web framework is a personal choice, so weigh the pros and cons before deciding.


  1. NestJS Docs
  2. Express Docs
  3. NestJS vs Django
  4. Express vs Django

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